All Classes and Interfaces

Utility class for managing the application session.
Represents a user in the application.
Data Access Object (DAO) class for managing AppUser data in the database Implements the IAppUserDAO interface.
Class for managing connection to the database.
Utility class for displaying error alerts.
JavaFX Application clss for the home screen.
Controller class for the home view.
Interface to interact with the windows User32 library.
Interface for accessing and managing AppUser data in the database.
Creates the integrative GUI for users to login.
Class for managing the login function for the application using users email and password
Method for managing the logout functionality of the application.
Controller class for managing the logout view for the application
Controller class for the navigation bar.
Class for managing the profile view for the application.
Controller class for managing the profile for the application
Application class for managing the resources page for the application
Controller class for managing recourses view.
Application class to manage the sign-up view.
Controller class for managing the sign-up view.